
Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur university

Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur UNIVERSITY

कृपया ध्यान दें! Part -3rd में केवल honours की परीक्षा होती है। और G.K/G.S
100/ marks का।

  1. B.Sc 1 year syllabus.


Kul geet

(General/Honours) Examination
       (Three year degree course)

           Duration of course :

1.  The bachelor of science.(general/Honours) course shall cover a period of three academic years and shall be known in the first year of study as the B.sc (general/Honours) part -1, and in the second year of study as the B.sc (general/Honours)part-2, and in the third year of study as the B.sc (general/Honours)part-3 course.

        Qualification for Admission.

2. A student may be admitted to the course of instructions for the degree of beachlor of science(General/Honours)if the has passed the intermediate examination in science of a board/University established or incorporated by Law or any other examination recognised by the University as equivalent to.

  Provided that for admission to the course of instruction  for the Honours degree in any subject it shall be nessesry for a student to have obtained not less than 45° marks at the intermediate examination in the subject offered for Honours study or in an allied subject as determined by the academic council in case the subject was not prescribed for study at the intermediate level.

   Subject for B.Sc (General) examination and structure of course:

3. . A candidate for the B.Sc . General examination shall be required to offer and be Examination in three optional subject comprising nine papers and /two languages as composition comprising two papers and one papers and one paper on of  the course according to the following structure.

2. Each of these papers shall carry 100 marks including 25 marks for practical examination wherever practical examination is prescribed.

Syllabus patern

3.(I)A candidate for the B.Sc. ( General) examination shall choose any three of the following optional subject:
1. Physics,2.Chemistry, 3. Botany,4. Zoology, 5. Mathematics 6. Geography, 7. Statistics, 8. Geology, 9. Anthropology and 10. Electronics.

       Provided that a candidate shall not choose (I) Mathematics or statistics unless he has passed the I.Sc. examination in Mathematics,( ii) physics unless  he passed the  I.sc examination in Physics and Math, (iii) chemistry  unless he has passed the ISC examination  in chemistry ,(IV) botany/ geology unless he has passed examination in geography/ Geology.and ( vi) electronic unless he has passed the ISC examination in physics and mathematics.

(b) Hindi 50 mass and one of the following language 50 marks for each other part 1 and part II  examinations.
Bhojpuri ,Maithili ,Urdu ,Bengali ,Odia Nepal, Santali ,Mundri ,Ho ,Nagpuri Khera  kurmali and English or another language recognised by the academic Council of the purpose.

       Provided that a candidate of non Indian domicile may take a full paper in English (higher standard) in lieu of (a) or (b) above.

Subjects for BSC Honours examination and structure of course: 

   1. A candidates for the BSc Honours examination shall be required to offer and be examined in one Honours subject comprising eight papers, two subsidiary subjects comparising four papers, one/ two languages as composition comprising two papers and one paper on General studies totalling fifteen papers. Divided into five papers for each part of the course according to the following structure.


 2. Each of these papers  carry  100 marks    .
 Provided that where ever Practical Examination is prescribed (I) in case of a subsidiary subject, age of the two papers shall include 25 Marks for Practical Examination and  (ii) in case of an Honours subject, paper 1st and 2nd carry 75 marks each and a Practical Examination of 50 marks . Paper iii and IV shall  scary 75 marks each  and a Practical Examination carrying 100 marks paper v, vi, and vii shall be full theory papers each carrying hundred marks 
  • 3.(I) A candidate for the BSc Honours examination shall choose one  Honours subject and two  subsidiary subject from the following :
  • 1 physics ,2. Chemistry ,3. botony  ,4.  zoology, 5. mathematics, 6.  Geography, 7.Geology, 8. statics ,9 .and antropology 10 electronics.
Provided that a candidate  shall not judge (I)mathematics and statics unless he has passed the examination in mathematics (ii) chemistry unless he has passed the ISC examination in chemistry (iii) Botany/zoology unless he has passed I.sc examination in biology and(IV) Geography/Geology; and if he takes up Honours in statics he shall  choose mathematics as one of the subsidiary subject.
3.(ii)  A candidate shall choose either (a)or (b) for composition.(a) Hindi-one full paper of hundred marks for each of part I and part I I examination.
(b) Hindi (50marks) and one of the following language Bhojpuri, Maghai, Maithili, Urdu , sorry, Auraiya, Santali, Mundri, Coco Mayapuri, Khaira, Kurukh, Kurmali and English or any other language recognised by the academic Council for the purpose.

Provided that a candidate of non Indian domicile  may take a full paper in English ( higher standard )in lieu of (a) and (b) above.


5.1 The syllabi of mathematics, Geography, statics and anthropology as Honours/subsidiary / optional subjects I'll be identical with those for the B.A. Examination.
              Duration of examination
12. The examination in the theory paper or theory portion of a paper shall be of 3 hours duration and the examination in a paper for practical portion of a paper /papers shall be 6 hours duration.

Pass Marks and divisions in B. Sc. (General) examination.

1. In order to pass the B.Sc. (General) Part I or Part II or Part Ill
examination a candidate must obtain not less than 33 % of the total marks in
each subject of the examination: 

provided that in subjects involving practical examination he must obtain not less than 23 marks in the theory portion and 10 marks in the practical portion of each of the papers.

Provided further that if he has offered two language in composition he
must obtain at least 15 marks in each language and 33 marks in the paper as a

2. In order to pass the B.Sc. (General) examination a candidate must
have passed the B.Sc. (General) Part 1, Part 1I and Part III examination

3. A candidate who passes the B.Sc. (General) examination obtaining
not less than 60% of the total marks in all the three parts of the examination
taken together: shall be placed in the first division.

.4. A canditates who passes the B.Sc. (General) examination obtaining
less than 60% but not less than 45% of the total marks in all thee three parts of
the examination taken together, shall be placed in the second divison.

5. The remaining successful candidates shall be placed in the third division.

6. A candidate, who passes the B.Sc. (General) examination obtaining
75%% or more marks in any subject in all the three parts of the examination
taken together; shall be declared to have passed with Distinction in the subject.

Pass Marks and Classes in B.Sc. (Honours) Examination:

.1. In order to pass the B.Sc. (Honours) Part I or Part lI or PartIII
examination a candidate must obtain not less than 45% of the total marks in the Honours subject and 33% of the total marks in each of the other subjects of the examination.

Provided that in subject involving practical examination he must obtain (i) in case of an Honours subject, not less than 67 marks in papers I and I I
taken together and 23 marks in the practical portion of these papers or not less than 67 marks in paper Ill and IV taken together and 23 marks in the practical portion of those papers, or not less than 135 marks together and 45 marks in Paper VIll as the case may be, and (iii) in case of a Subsidiary subject not less than 23 marks in the theory portion and 10 marks in the practical portion of each of the papers.

Provided further that it he has offered two languages in Composition he must obtain at least 15 marks in each language-and 33 marks as a whole.

.2. In order to pass the B.Se. (Honours) examination a candidate must
have passed the B.Sc. (Honours) Part I, Part II and Part IIl examination

3.A candidate who passes the B.Sc. (Honours) examination obtaining
not less than 60% of the total marks in the Honours subject in all the three
parts of the examination taken together, shall be placed in the first class.

.4. The remaining successtul candidates shall be placed in the second class.

.5.A candidate who passes the B.Sc. (Honours) examination obtaining
75% or more marks in any subject in all the three parts of the examination
taken together, shall be declared to have passed with distinction in the subject.

Moderation of Results

1. Not withstanding anything contained in the Regulation concerning moderation of examination results

(i) If a candidate for the B.Sc. (General) Part lll examination fails to pass in any one subject by not more than 5% marks in any two subject by notmore than 3% marks in each subject, he shall be awarded the marks required to enable him to pass in the subject/ subjects concerned and his result shall be
declared accordingly.

(i) If a candidate for the B.Sc. (Honours) Part II examination fails to secure first or second calss by not more than 5 marks in the Honours subject but has passed in General studies, he shall be awarded the marks required to
enable him to secure first or second class as the case may by and his result shall be declared accordingly.

i) If a candidate for the B.Sc. (Honours) Part III examination who has passed in the Honours subject fails to pass in General Studies by not more than
5 marks he shall be awared the marks required to enable him to pass in the subject and his result shall be declared accordingly.

(iv) In a subject involving practical examination where seprate passing is necessary in part of it the shortage shall be calcuated on the basis of the full marks in that part but failure in different part shall be deemed to be failure in one subject only.

(v) The provision for moderation of results shall not be be applicable in case of B.Sc. (General/ Honours) Part, I and Part II examinations.

Publication of Result.

1. As soon as possible after the examination the Vice Chancellor shall cause a list of successful candidates at the B.Sc. (General) examination to be published.

.2) The list of successful candidates at the B.Sc (Geral) examinatoin shall be published collegewise in three categories in the first division in order of merit and in the second and third division in alphabetical order.
 Separate collegewise list shall be published for non-collegiate candidates.

.2 (ii) The list of successful candidates at the B.Sc. (Honours)
examination shall be published subject wise in two categories in order of merit in the first class and in the second class indicating the name of the college
against each candidate.

.3 If a candidate has obtained distinction in any subject, it shall be mentioned against his name.

Award of Degree

. Each successful candidate at the B.Sc. (General / Honours)
Examination shall receive. in token of his degree a diploma in the prescribed
form in Hindi specifuying the name of the college and the division/class in
which he was placed and in case of Honours Degree also the Honours subject in which he was.examined. 

The English version of the diploma may be issued on payment of the prescribed fee.
